Friday, July 27, 2007

Ex-Gay Survivors in the OC

The Orange County Weekly published a long piece about the Ex-Gay Survivor Conference held in Irvine, CA last month. The writer offers a stirring account of the Chalk Talk and gives survivors like Michael Bussee and Eric Leocadio a chance to tell their moving stories.

The writer also visited the Exodus Conference held nearby. I am on the road typing this on my phone, so no fancy formatting or links.

Here is the link to the article though

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At 12:35 PM , Blogger Elliot Coale said...

Very good. :D

At 1:31 PM , Blogger Craig Hickman said...

On the road typing on the phone?

What a techie. ;)

At 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ewww...that intro music is terrible. (sigh)

Ahem, I would say you are a founder of the ex-gay survivor movement not just a proponent.

I'm relating to so much of what you shared. I especially appreciate how you make it clear that your experience was both good and bad; that the experience that gay people of faith go through is anything but simple, particularly when their faith and sexuality collide. So many times I think people trivialize what we go through and who we are. I'm glad that you have numerous occasions to speak about this.

YMCA (the song)...chuckle...

I recently ran across a list of rules from an Exodus group I attended. And there it is, the 'no cologne rule'. Apparently LIA's influence spreads around a bit, a lot like what they teach. (Yes you are getting my drift.)

Cheering you on from the sidelines.

At 6:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, posted on the wrong post, I was listening to your interview on Northern Spirit. (Smacks computer monitor)

At 11:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article. I have copied it to save, and highlighted several places, too many to comment on here. Thanks to Janine Kahn for her fair reporting of both conferences and the issues we face everyday.


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